
Spring 2017

DEADLINE: February 26,2017

Anamesa is an interdisciplinary journal based at New York University for graduate students by graduate students. Tracing its conceptual origin to Platonic philosophy, Anamesa stands for the “in between,” and sets as its purpose to blur boundaries, re-imagine links, and explore the interstices of academia. Anamesa considers material from a variety of subject matters and selects creative, timely, and intelligent works that reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the global graduate community.

We seek academic essays, creative non-fiction, reportage, interviews, reviews, short stories, poetry, photography, drawings, paintings, film stills, posters, prints, and other art works.


Anamesa, Spring 2017


Anamesa is now accepting submissions for Spring 2017. The new issue’s theme is Subversion. Our submission deadline is February 26, 2017.

SUBVERSION. We can subvert hate through empathy. We can subvert anger through listening. We can subvert sadness through compassion. This country is headed for four years under the leadership of dangerous people. Please think with us about going beyond truthiness. Even beyond post-truthiness. Post-post-truthiness. What recent scholarship have you worked on that chips away at Imperialist Capitalist White Supremacist Cis Hetero Patriarchy? What art have you made that has the power to touch a stranger? Have you written a poem that finds its own aesthetics by stepping outside of the rules and regulations of idle talk? What mediums are you using that allow you expression of yourself, against dominant structures that harm people because they are racist, sexist, Islamophobic, or otherwise fail to recognize humans as humans? What forms, motifs, stories, images, dances, gestures, and human interactions have you noticed that attempt subversion, creating their own better world?      

We want to hear from you, see and read your work. This journal is a place made by graduate students to think together, to share art, poetry, and fiction, and to build a community that emphasizes ideas over ideology and love over lies.

While we have nonfiction, fiction, art, poetry and digital as our categories, we considers these genres as places to start work, not as limitations. If you have something to say as a writer, artist, person that lives in this world with us, we want your submission. Non-fiction should be at the level of graduate school writing. Fiction, poetry, art, and digital submissions need to be creative and carefully executed. All submissions need to offer an original, specific, and clear response to our theme, Subversion.


Formal Submission Requirements

  • All submissions must be print-ready.
  • All submissions should be 6,000 words or fewer. For non-fiction submissions, please include a 100-200 word abstract.
  • Essays should be formatted to follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition; please use endnotes, double-spaced, on a separate page following the body of the text.
  • All fiction, nonfiction, and poetry submissions must be in .doc or .docx file format.
  • All art submissions must be in digital format (.jpeg) at 300 DPI or higher and a minimum of 5x7in.
  • Digital and non-genre conforming submissions: please submit whatever format makes sense to you and we will work out details on a case to case basis.
  • Please include a cover page with your name, telephone number, email address and, if applicable, university, department, expected or received degree and date,. The cover page should be a separate document from the submission.
  • DO NOT include any identifying information in the body of your submission.  All submissions are evaluated anonymously, so identifying information should only appear on your cover page.
  • We accept submissions in any language, but an English translation must accompany all non-English texts.
  • We accept multiple submissions (up to 5 pieces per author), but we ask that each submission be submitted individually (with an exception for multiple poems, which can be submitted together).
  • Simultaneous submissions are acceptable.

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